Afterverse Glossary


Food Alliance

Description: Group dedicated to all things food. They share, trade or sell recipes for ingredients or meals. They strive to continually improve the cuisine of The After.

Description: A group dedicated to collecting information of all types. They own Information station

Description: A group dedicated to collecting information of all types. They own Information station

Description: A group dedicated into making it easier to move about. They gather all the schedules and availability of all public, charter and private options for travel both on and off planet or station. They strive to be the single universal information hub for transportation and often arrange for transportation jobs and cargo hauling. They like to think of themselves as the logistical masters of the universe.

Description: A fanatical religious organization dedicated to spreading their one truth that they made up once upon a time.

Notes: The faithful are after Zoe for some unknown reason. They will stop at nothing.

Information Collective
Ship Builders Guild
The Faithful
Transportation Guild